Murrabit Cod Challenge 2016
Fabulous weather set the atmosphere for another successful weekend for the Murrabit Football & Netball Clubs as the 8th annual Murrabit Cod Challenge was held on the Murray River at Murrabit. Entries for the competition, which was capped at 300 competitors filled a little slower over the last few weeks due to misleading media reports suggesting that the Blue Green Algae at Murrabit was as serious as was the case for some parts of the river upstream. Nearly all competitors were pleased to see the quality of the water following speculation that it was going to be green in colour. Competitors travelled from all over the state, with some as far away as the NSW mid coast and Geelong with all using various types of baits and lures to try and land the elusive Murray Cod. With the river at a reasonable level over recent weeks, catching any type of fish was going to be for those that persisted and took a proficient approach. However, competitors never gave up with numerous cod, yellow belly and the bothersome carp being among the variety of fish caught.
The winner of the $500 Murray Cod Challenge with the largest Murray Cod caught over the two day event was captured by Josh Martins of Lake Charm. Josh’s cod was caught early Sunday morning measuring at 72.5 cm. The largest Yellow Belly, a whopping 45.5 cm was caught by Luke Lougoon of Bendigo.
“I have been fishing in this competition for eight years now, and have always enjoyed the fishing and the professional approach taken by the organisers of the event. This event sets a very high standard and the catering is second to none. It’s not all just about the fishing, but getting away for a few days with family and friends”, said Matt Johnson from Maryborough.
Event coordinator Brent McKnight said that it was a great achievement for the organisers to sign up such a large number of competitors. “It just goes to prove how popular this competition is becoming”, said McKnight.
The winner of the major prize, Jack Cowan from Huntly, thanked the Murrabit Football & Netball Clubs for running such a great event and sponsors Molins Motorcycle & Marine for providing the boat, motor & trailer package. Other major prize winners were Daniel Buckland of Creswick winning the Engel portable fridge donated by Engel & BlueSky Swan Hill. The electric boat motor donated by Murrabit Trading was won by Jamie Semmler of Murrabit and the Early Bird prize of a swag donated by BlueSky Swan Hill went to Robert Munter of Niddrie. The largest group of competitors again went to Hook’Em Fishing with 18 members taking home the $500 prize. There were 21 additional juniors that participated this year with all taking home an assortment of prizes donated by numerous local businesses.
This event would not be possible without the support of our generous sponsors Molin’s Motorcycle & Marine, Murrabit Trading, Blue Sky, Engel, Hunter Marine, Hook ‘Em Fishing & Johnson’s Auto Marine & Caravan Centre
Fishing Results 2016
The Molin Motor Cycle and Marine Murray Cod Challenge & the Murrabit Trading largest Cod was won by Josh Martins who caught a 72.5cm Murray Cod. The Blue Sky-Engel Yellow Belly Challenge was won by Darren Sinapius & Jordan Edelsten on 840 points. The Gannawarra Times Largest Yellow Belly was won by Luke Lougoon of who caught a 45.5cm yellow belly.
Murray Cod Challenge
Josh Martins 725 points
Longest Murray Cod
Josh Martins 72.5cm
Yellow Belly Challenge
Darren Sinapius & Jordan Edelsten 840 points
Longest Yellow Belly
Luke Lougoon 45.5cm