Competition Rules

  1. Fishing is to take place between signs (on Victorian side). 6 km approx. upstream and down stream of the Murrabit Bridge.
  2. Fishing times: Sat 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Fishing times must be strictly adhered to.
  3. Bank fishing will be permitted but must be in locations allocated only.
  4. NSW Boating & Fishing Regulations apply at all times and all competitors are to hold a current NSW fishing license. Limit of two rods per person no more than two hooks per line. Entrants must comply with NSW Waterways regulations, and any other relevant legislation. It is the responsibility of entrants to be fully aware of regulations covering minimum sizes and bag limits of fish, the requirements of appropriate boat licences and safety equipment for NSW waters.
  5. A point system of 10 points per cm of fish will be measured for legal size fish only. Fish will be rounded down to the nearest 0.5 cm. All fish will be measured by approved photos or officials. Their decision is final and no protests will be accepted.
    Only the fish nominated and their sizes will be measured and recorded to claim points. Fish falling below will not be measured.

    • Murray Cod must be 55 cm or longer. All Murray Cod are strictly catch and release.
    • Yellow belly must be 30 cm or longer. All Yellow belly strictly catch and release.
  6. All registrations will take place at the Murrabit Recreation Reserve Friday night or Saturday morning. All entrants must register with officials prior to 10 am on the Saturday of the event. All meals as part of the entry fee apart from Sat lunch are to take place at the Murrabit Recreation Reserve. Saturday lunch is to be distributed on the Murray River.
  7. Registration and information evening will take place at Murrabit Recreation Reserve Friday from 7:00pm to 8:00 pm. An information session will be discussed on the rules and any clarification of rules can be requested at this time.
  8. People caught fishing outside the designated area during the competition times will be disqualified.

When a fish is caught:

  • Each legal or oversize native fish (e.g. Murray Cod, Golden Perch) angled must be photographed (as per photo rules) and released as soon as possible to the water. All native fish entered must be catch and release only. Entrants found keeping entered fish will be instantly disqualified

Photo rules

  1. Photo must be of a live fish. Photos showing signs of mutilation, damage, excessive blood or improper handling will be deemed unfit for entry. Photo must be sent via text as soon as possible from catching fish.
  2. It is the entrant’s responsibility to provide their own brag mat.
  3. Fish must be photographed on a brag mat of good quality with easily visible numbers.
  4. Photo must be taken directly above and square on to the fish and mat.
  5. Competitors entry tag must be placed at the top of the mat above the fishes head and clear to be read in the photo.
  6. The nose of the fish must be to the left of the photographer and level with the zero mark on the mat or the stopper if the mat has one. The dorsal fin must point to the top of the mat, belly of fish to face the photographer. (Orientation of fish important)
  7. The brag mat must be on a flat surface with no creases.
  8. The entire fish and the measuring edge of the mat must be visible in the photo with the length of the fish being clearly identified and legible.
  9. Entries are judged on length. Measurements will be rounded down to the nearest half centimetre.
  10. Any digital manipulation of the photo will be deemed as cheating and will result in the angler being disqualified.
  11. Three judges will be appointed to review suspect photos to confirm entry is legitimate (their decision is final)
  12. Each photo must be sent via text to the clubs mobile phone number supplied at information session (no other numbers accept-ed)
  13. In the event a competitors can’t send a photo call the mobile number provided and an official will be dispatched.
  14. No photo no measurement will be taken. No protests will be taken and the judges decisions will be final.

See below example photos.

If the fish is under size it will not be measured and must be returned to the water. Score board located at the Murrabit Rec reserve. If there are any discrepancies they must be reported to officials.
Any boat found to contain illegal equipment or bait will result in disqualifications. The committee reserves the right to inspect any equipment or bait used by competitors. Competitors found to be in breach of any of the above rules and or regulations by NSW fisheries and Waterways will be disqualified from the competition with no refund of money.

Fishing Sections

Points are allocated per cm for legal size fish being Murray Cod and Yellow Belly. 10 points per cm. 65 cm Cod = 650 points.
Points will be accumulated per boat at the end of the day. Each boat will be given a total point score at the end of the competition.

Murray Cod Challenge

The boat with the highest point score for Legal Murray Cod will be awarded the winner of the Murray Cod Challenge.

Largest Murray Cod

The competitor that catches and releases the longest legal size Murray Cod.

Yellow Belly Challenge

The boat with the highest point score for Legal Yellow Belly will be awarded the winner of the Yellow Belly Challenge.

Largest Yellow Belly

Competitor that catches and releases the longest legal size Yellow Belly.

Longest Carp

Competitor that catches and releases the longest Carp.

Photo Examples


Competitors entry tag must be placed at the top of the mat near the fishes head and clearly be able to be read in the photo.

Photo must be taken directly above and square on to the fish and mat.


Good examples of photos. Photo taken square on. Nose of fish left of photo and level with zero mark. Dorsal fin at the top of mat. Competitor's tag in photo above fishes head.


Bad examples. Photo not taken square on or fishes nose NOT to the left of the photo.

Nose not left of photo.
Nose not left of photo.
Nose not left of photo.
Bad angle and nose not left of photo.
Fish nose is not a zero. Photo does not include full fish.
Can not see nose or tail fin.
Bad angle and covering fish.
Bad angle.
Wrong species and bad angle.
Tail fin cut out of photo.
Nose not at zero mark.